Corrections: The future of fireworks at Analy and the address of the July 2 city council meeting
Analy High School has no intention of ending its 51-year relationship with Kiwanis and the July 3rd fireworks show. Also, the July 2 city council meeting is in the usual place.
The fireworks show at Analy next year and in the future
Sometimes, in the life of a reporter, someone tells you something, and they either misspeak or you mishear. Such was the case with my recent story in Sunday’s “Roundup” about the future of the fireworks show at Analy.
I reported that 1) the West Sonoma County Union High School District had told Kiwanis that due to construction at Analy next summer, the high school couldn’t commit to hosting the fireworks show next year; and that 2) it was unclear if the fireworks show would be able to return to Analy.
The first point, regarding construction, turned out to be substantially true—though the construction project in question was different than I was originally told.
The second point—the suggestion that it was unclear if the fireworks show would be able to return—was, it turned out, untrue.
Jennie C. Bruneman, Director of Facilities, Bond and Technology, wrote the Sebastopol Times today that “The District very much values the long-standing relationship we have with Kiwanis and is working with them closely to ensure the event can happen at Laguna [next year ](if possible), and the intention is to have them return [to Analy] after the District completes construction.”
Regarding the construction for next year, Bruneman wrote, “The District was notifying Kiwanis well in advance of planned construction for next summer regarding the new CTE building and the very unlikely chance that the fireworks could happen given the scope of the parking lot that we will need for staging. Also, we have discussed at many board meetings the plan to repair the field drainage system that has been fixed temporarily. That project is not board approved as of yet, as we anticipate presenting that to the board in August.”
Kiwanis representative Philena Chantha (not the source for the original story) expressed her organization’s deep gratitude for the long-lasting relationship between Kiwanis and the high school district.
The address of the July 2 City Council meeting
The Sebastopol City council meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 2, at 6 pm, at its usual location at the Sebastopol Youth Annex, 425 Morris St., Sebastopol. (We mistakenly wrote Main St. instead of Morris St. in today’s “What’s happening this week in Sebastopol?”)
Y’all are the best at factual reporting! When you get it wrong…what??you’re human??…you quickly correct it. THAT is the mark of excellence. We are more lucky than we realize to have a local news organization of your caliber among us. Thank you for your ethics and integrity.