Horizon Shine is in its final days. There appears to be only one or two RVs left inside the gates of Horizon Shine, but six RVs are arrayed outside of it, three parked by the curb and three more in the parking lot across the street.
The Sebastopol Times reached Sonoma Applied Village Services (SAVS) director Adrienne Lauby on Saturday afternoon for an update on the situation. (SAVS is the organization that runs Horizon Shine.)
She knows about the RVs in parking lot and on the street and confirmed that as far as she knew all six vehicles were owned by former Horizon Shine residents.
She expects three of the RVs to be gone in a week, as soon as their residents are relocated into RVs owned by SAVS in an RV trailer park located at the fairgrounds in Santa Rosa.
“There's several people who've accepted that, but we weren't ready. It turned out we had to clean the trailers,” Lauby said. “We thought they were all slick and ready to go. But no. This one doesn't have a refrigerator, and that one needs a mattress. So it's probably going to be the first of next week, Monday or Tuesday, before they’re ready to go.”
What will happen to the residents’ own trailers? According to Lauby, they’ll be added to SAVS stock of used RVs.
“We have about ten of them now,” she said.
As for the other three RVs, Lauby said SAVS will continue trying to find housing for them.
“We will be working with them until June 30,” she said.
I asked if they had thought of renting part of the old CVS parking lot and just moving HorizonShine—the office, the showers, the fencing—across the street.
“I think the owners of that have been approached on various ideas and they've said no, so we didn't specifically approach them,” she said. “But, frankly, if we had a piece of property that someone was willing to rent—we pay $5000 a month. If we could get some kind of deal like that, we could probably find the money to put up another camp which we would really love to do.”
The people who own the old CVS building only want to sell it. So I can see that they would not want to rent the parking lot. The RVs on the lot seem to not be messy and are bothering no one. Though I would be concerned, if I owned the lot, of what liability could accrue if someone injured themselves.