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Laguna: View from a Bridge

A respite from rain on Friday was a chance to view the rising waters

Just as the rains at the end of December and early January filled the Laguna de Santa Rosa, the storms this past week have filled it to about the same level. Friday offered a respite from the rain, an opportunity to go look at the beauty created by the rain.

The late day sun was shining on the waters of the Laguna, as seen in the video above from the bridge along the Joe Rodata Trail and in the photo below, with the shadows of trees stretching across the creek.

On the trail behind the Sebastopol Cultural Community Center, the water was quite high such that the slope that leads to the summer bridge crossing was completely covered.

The trail was flooded behind the ball fields, although a Little League baseball team was practicing.

Up near the intersection of Occidental Road and High School Road, the lake had formed, coming up pretty close to the road.

The lake view is a particularly tranquil picture close to sunset.

If you are a Laguna watcher, feel free to send me some of your own photos.

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Sebastopol Times
Sebastopol Times
Dale Dougherty