Sebastopol Police Logs, December 4-10
The following are crimes excerpted from Sebastopol Police Department daily crime log entries and listed at the time the alleged violation was reported.
2:02 p.m. Resisting a public official and possession of alcohol as a minor (misdemeanors) at North Main Street and Healdsburg Avenue. Suspect arrested.
5:58 p.m. Identity theft (felony) at Calder Avenue and South Main Street. Case cleared by circumstances beyond police control.
8:33 p.m. Intentional cruelty to animals (misdemeanor) at Bodega Avenue and Pleasant Hill Road. Referred to District Attorney for review.
10:42 a.m. Shoplifting (misdemeanor) at Gravenstein Highway North and Hurlbut Avenue. Pending further investigation.
6:38 p.m. Served a misdemeanor arrest warrant for an outside agency at Gravenstein Highway North and Hurlbut Avenue. Suspect arrested.
1:39 a.m. Battery of a spouse or companion and false imprisonment (misdemeanors) at Jean and Lynch drives. Suspect arrested.
11:48 a.m. Served a felony arrest warrant for an outside agency at Laguna Park Way and McKinley Street. Suspect arrested.
6:47 a.m. Vandalism and defacing property (misdemeanor) at McKinley Street and Weeks Way. No disposition reported.
10:10 a.m. First degree burglary (felony) at Valentine and Washington avenues. Pending further investigation.
The Sebastopol Police Department also recorded 164 other events requiring police action during the period, such as lost animals, assisting citizens, parking violations, foot patrol, traffic hazards and reckless driving.