The Apple Basket: Warm coats, mystery girls and a sad farewell
Plus news about the tree lighting, Little League Umpires, and the chance to win a holiday gift basket for becoming a paid subscriber.
Help expand Caverly Whittemore’s winter coat drive
The last time I wrote about Caverly Whittemore (for Sonoma West Times & News), he was weeding his way down Bodega Avenue, neatening up the town for everyone’s enjoyment. Now he’s collecting winter coats for the homeless. A few weeks ago, he spearheaded an effort at Burbank Heights & Orchards to collect winter coats, and thanks to the generosity of his friends and neighbors there, Whittemore filled the back of a big pick-up truck with coats and sweaters (see photo above). The pick-up belonged to Chris White of Sebastopol Christian Church, who distributed them to the homeless. Now Whittemore is looking for a way to expand his winter coat drive. He’s looking for five businesses willing to host coat donation bins. If you own a local business and can help, contact him at
Neither rain nor sleet…will delay the Sebastopol Christmas Tree Lighting
You may have been wondering if the Sebastopol Christmas Tree Lighting is still happening tonight, Thursday, Dec. 1, given the rain today. The answer is “Yes, it is,” according to new Chamber Director Myriah Volk, who’s organizing the event with the help of former chamber director Linda Collins. Weather people are predicting cloudy skies but no rain for tonight - woo hoo! So we’ll see you there at this beloved annual event.
Umpires needed by Sebastopol Little League
Are you an adult or eligible youth interested in umpiring Little League games this season? Sebastopol Little League needs your help! Youth umpires have the ability to earn up to $40 per game. Majors division players are eligible to umpire AAA level games, and 50/70 and Juniors division players are eligible to umpire both AAA and Majors games. Former players under the age of 18 are eligible to get paid and are encouraged to sign up. Adult volunteers earn the satisfaction of being involved in the development of our younger community members. We really need adults to step up this year and help out with this very important role!
Please email our Umpire in Chief at with any questions or to sign up.
Holiday Candle Lighting Ceremony needs volunteers
Pleasant Hills Memorial Park is bringing back their Holiday Candle Lighting Ceremony and they need your help to make it happen!
WHEN? Saturday, December 10th
WHERE? 1700 Pleasant Hill Road, Sebastopol
If you want to help with this special celebration, please email
Who are these girls?
Former Press Democrat reporter Bleys Rose posted these photographs on Nextdoor. He found them while renovating a closet in his home in downtown Sebastopol. If you know who they are, answer his post on Nextdoor or write us here and we’ll pass along your answer to Bleys.
We are sad to report the death of Rolin Smith
Rolin Smith was one of Sebastopol’s most memorable characters. You probably remember him riding around town with his dog Baby on one of his flower- and ribbon-bedecked “chariots.” Or you might remember the elaborate yarn art he did as a guerilla protest on the fence surrounding the future site of Hotel Sebastopol. We just learned that Rolin recently died of a stroke. There was a service in Sebastopol’s downtown plaza hosted by his friends and admirers in October. Rosalyn Fay of Occidental had this to say about Rolin on Nextdoor: “He was a beautiful and wise soul and one of the only true free spirits I've ever encountered. He will be missed greatly.”
Will you be our 205th paid subscriber?
After seven months, Sebastopol Times has grown because of your support. We now have 660 total subscribers and 201 paid subscribers.
Would you like to become our 205th paid subscriber? If you do, we will congratulate you with a gift basket filled with local goodies, delivered by Dale or Laura.
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