What's Happening in Sebastopol this week? Jan. 16-23
From square dancing to the joy of cannabis to a talk on racism in Sebastopol, it's all happening right here.
Learn Social Square Dancing
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 7 to 8:30 pm at Wischemann Hall, 465 Morris Street, Sebastopol.
Give Modern Western Square Dancing a try in this 14-week class, sponsored by the Redwood Rainbows Square Dance Club, starting Jan. 18. Your first class is always free. Easy-to-learn calls get you dancing right away with a friendly, fun-loving group. Gently exercise your body and mind while moving to all sorts of music. Everyone welcome, no partner needed, casual clothing. Bring a friend. Find out more.
Mend & Befriend
Friday, Jan. 20, 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the Sebastopol Grange, 6000 Sebastopol Ave. (Hwy. 12), Sebastopol
We will socialize while mending and have a clothes swap table. We ask that participants bring clothes or fabric items that need repair along with sewing supplies if you have any. We can help each other learn mending techniques, both basic and decorative. We love to see new friends at each event, so tell others to join us! Find out more.
Copperfield's Presents: The Joy of Cannabis
Friday, Jan 20, 7 pm, at Copperfield's Books, 138 N. Main St., Sebastopol
Copperfield’s Books welcomes Melanie Abrams and Larry Smith to Sebastopol in celebration of their new book, The Joy of Cannabis: 75 Ways to Amplify Your Life Through the Science and Magic of Cannabis. This is a free event. The discussion will be followed by a Q&A and a book signing.
Santa Rosa Symphony Youth Orchestra Concerto Showcase Recital
Friday, Jan. 20, 7:30 pm at Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 S. High St., Sebastopol. $25.
Join us for an evening of talented young musicians from the Santa Rosa Symphony Youth Orchestra performing solo works by Mendelssohn, Mozart, Handel, Reinecke, Sibelius, and Bruch. $25 General Admission, $15 Students, $5 Children under 10 years old. Get tickets.
Marshall House Project
Saturday, Jan. 21, 7:30 pm at the Sebastopol Community Cultural Center, 390 Morris St., Sebastopol. $35-40.
Marshall House Project is a driving soul funk outfit with one foot rooted deep in the pockets of the past and the other fearlessly exploring the deep fry of the future. The sound is an eclectic, electric love child: the product of an affair between Jimi Hendrix and The Funky Meters, after a long night of drinking with space aliens. Like a universe unto itself. Get tickets.
Racism in Sebastopol?
Sunday, Jan. 22 at noon at the Community Church of Sebastopol, 1000 Gravenstein Hwy. North, Sebastopol. Free.
Kirstyne Lange, the president of the local chapter of the NAACP, will give a talk on incidents of racism in Sebastopol and her own experiences as a person of color in a primarily white area.
Pete Sawyer & The Left Hand Monkey Wrench Gang (Grateful Sunday)
Sunday, Jan. 22, 7 pm, at Hopmonk, 230 Petaluma Ave., Sebastopol
Pete Sawyer & The Left Hand Monkey Wrench Gang offer a high energy Grateful Dead experience, featuring many of the West Coast’s foremost interpreters of the Grateful Dead songbook. Age 21+. Get tickets.
Paint Out Hate Community Art Project
Submissions due by Jan. 23 at the Sebastopol Library, 7140 Bodega Ave., Sebastopol.
Use your creativity to paint an expression of love, kindness, equality, social justice, and inclusivity on Sebastopol's sidewalks. Share your drawing idea for one of the sidewalk squares. Those selected will be invited to a community paint party. Murals will be painted on sidewalks at the Senior Center, the Sebastopol Regional Library, the Center for the Arts, and Ives Pool. Submissions due Monday, Jan. 23. Download drawing form here.
“Or the Whale” lecture and scratchboard demonstration
Monday, Jan. 23, 10 am to 12 pm (teen and adult), 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm (youth) at Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 S. High St., Sebastopol. $15 and up.
Jos Sances will talk about the social justice and environmental issues depicted in his massive artwork, ‘Or, the Whale,” followed by a demonstration of scratch board drawing. After the lecture, you can create your own art on a scratch board! Get tickets.
PEEK INTO NEXT WEEK: Join Sebastopol’s Climate Action Committee for a Climate Engagement Event in which, with your help, they’ll explore joyous ways to address the issues of climate change in our city and the world. Thursday, Jan. 26, 6 to 8 pm at the Sebastopol Community Center, 390 Morris St., Sebastopol.