What's happening this week in Sebastopol? March 27 to April 2
A week of free stuff and free fun: compost giveaway, mandolin concert, disaster fair and more

Sunridge School's Online Auction
March 20th to 30th at biddingforgood.com/sunridge
SunRidge School is a public charter in Sebastopol that serves over 240 students in grades K-8 and depends on fundraising. This year's auction items include once in-a-life-time trips to Africa, Antigua, and Cabo San Lucas; handcrafted jewelry; holistic and health based services; wine, spirits and beer; fine art; gift certificates to restaurants and more. Peruse auction items here.
Grange General Meeting
Tuesday, March 28 at 6 pm at Sebastopol Grange, 6000 Sebastopol Ave. (Hwy. 16). Free.
Did you know that you don't have to be a farmer to join the grange, just have an interest in food production. Come to a monthly general meeting to learn more. Bring salad or dessert to share and your own dishes and silverware. After dinner, we’ll watch “Sonoma County Climate 2050” to learn about the likely effects of climate change on Sonoma County. Learn more.
Paint Out Hate - Final Deadline
Thursday, March 30 at the Sebastopol Regional Library, 7140 Bodega Ave., Sebastopol.
This is the final call for submissions for Paint Out Hate, a community art project, consisting of painted sidewalk squares stretching from the Sebastopol Senior Center to the Sebastopol Center for the arts. Turn in your submission for a sidewalk square painting on this form at the Sebastopol Regional Library, 7140 Bodega Ave., Sebastopol, or email it to sebastopol@sonomalibrary.org. Paint Party is June 24. Find submission form here.
Introduction to Acting with Piknik Theatre (Adults and teenagers 16 and up)
Thursday, March 30 to May, 4 pm to 5:30 pm, at Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 High St., Sebastopol. $80 adults, $50 students.
This is the start to a bi-weekly class from late March to early May! Explore exercises in concentration, imagination and the acting process – using collaboration and the support of scene partners; experimenting with improvised play and storytelling; creating and using masks to develop character relationships; leading physical activities that encourage trust, risk and self-expression. Reserve your spot.
Disaster Preparedness Fair
Saturday, April 1, 10 am to 2 pm, at Graton Fire Department, 3750 Gravenstein Hwy N, Sebastopol (Just north of Graton Road).
The Disaster Preparedness Fair will feature household fire safety lessons, CPR skills, trauma relief techniques, and tips on preparing for a disaster. There will be a bounce house for children, preparedness games and crafts, giveaways for a go bag, displays of emergency vehicles and the Henry 1 sheriff's helicopter. The disaster preparedness fair is free to attend and will have emergency kit items and demonstrations available at no cost.
Opening Reception for Accessories at SebARTS
Saturday, April 1, 2 to 4 pm at Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 High St., Sebastopol. Free.
Come to this international juried exhibition called "Accessories." Hats, shoes, purses and other accessories as objects of art and artistic representation are the subject of this new show at Sebastopol Center for the Arts. Jurors are local artist and miliner Amy Smith and Andrea Caron, owner of Silk Moon and a board member at SebARTS.
The Gravenstein Mandolin Ensemble
Sunday, April 2, 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm at Sebastopol Regional Library, 7140 Bodega Ave., Sebastopol. Free.
The Gravenstein Mandolin Ensemble’s eclectic repertoire reflects music from Argentina to Russia, Italy to Ireland, the Classical Era to Ragtime and beyond. The 14-member ensemble includes the entire mandolin family: mandolins, mandolas, and mandocellos, with the addition of guitar, bass, percussion and other surprise guests. First-come, first-serve seating.
Free Organic Compost Giveaway
Sunday, April 2, 9 am to 12 pm (or until the pile is gone), 425 Morris St. (behind the Community Center Youth Annex), Sebastopol. Free.
The Sebastopol Free Organic Compost Giveaway is coming up on Sunday, April 2. Applying compost is one of many things you can do for the climate. It helps build soil health while retaining water. Bring: shovels, buckets or bags, tarps, gloves, and a pick-up truck if you have one. Half-cubic-yard per household (more available for school gardens or multi-family gardens). The free compost events are provided in part by the Sebastopol Climate Action Committee and the City of Sebastopol.
FARTHER AFIELD: Annual Occidental Fools Parade and Fools Party is Saturday April 1 at 1 pm. Gather at the Community Center at 12:45 to be in the parade or to follow it to the Fools Party.
MORE EVENTS: Sadly, the newly revived Sebastopol Community Calendar is undergoing some repairs. We’ll let you know when it’s fixed.
SUBMIT YOUR EVENT to the Sebastopol Times at sebastopoltimes@gmail.com. Write SEB TIMES EVENT in the subject line, so it won’t get lost in the clutter.