What's happening this week in Sebastopol?
Bob Dylan, next-gen folk and other kinds of music, Sister City dinner, New Year's goal-setting, and more

Sebastopol Center for the Arts After-school Art and Music Classes. More after-school classes start this week. See their offerings for kids age 7-12 here.
St. Sebastian Pilgrimage on the Camino de Sonoma
Monday, Jan. 20, 8 am to 4 pm. Start at St. Sebastian's Catholic Church, 7983 Covert Lane, Sebastopol.
It’s the feast day of St. Sebastian, and St. Sebastian's Catholic Church is doing a 14.5-mile pilgrimage walk on the Camino de Sonoma, from Sebastopol to Occidental. Begins with an 8 am Mass at St. Sebastian’s Church in Sebastopol and ends at St. Philip’s Church in Occidental around 4 pm. For parking and driving details and to learn more, go here.
Sebastopol City Council Meeting
Tuesday, Jan. 21, 5 pm, at Sebastopol Youth Annex, 425 Morris St., Sebastopol. Free.
This week the city council will meet at 5 pm to interview applicants for the Public Arts Committee, Planning Commission, and the Design Review Board. The council will consider the approval of a Measure H Funding Agreement with the County of Sonoma, the Sebastopol Active Transportation Plan, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Sebastopol Employee International Union (SEIU) and a budget amendment for $140,500. They will also hear the annual report on existing surveillance technology from the Police Department. See the agenda and supporting documentation here.
Ghosts of Electricity: An All-Star Celebration of Bob Dylan's Timeless Music
Thursday, Jan. 23, 8 pm, at Hopmonk Tavern, 230 Petaluma Ave., Sebastopol.
Some of the hottest players on the Bay Area jam scene are getting together to pay tribute to one of America’s greatest songwriters. Ghosts of Electricity draws on inspiration from Dylan’s lyrical genius and taps into his electric-era mystique, and especially his groundbreaking move to electric rock during the mid-1960s. Every show is an adventure, with four-part harmonies, gentle ballads and over-the-top, guitar-driven Rock & Roll. Get tickets.
The Underwater World of Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary: Talk and Virtual Experience
Friday, Jan. 24, 6 pm to 7:30 pm, at the Laguna Foundation, 900 Sanford Road,
Santa Rosa. Sliding Scale: $10 – $15. Registration required.
Within its 1,286 square miles, the Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, just off the Sonoma Coast, protects a soft seafloor habitat, a rocky bank, deep sea canyons, and communities of wildlife throughout. Learn about the history of National Marine Sanctuaries and hear ecosystem stories of Cordell Bank with pictures and video focused on who lives there, species of special concern, regional climate impacts and what is being done to help mitigate them. Special Add-on: Optional Virtual Reality Experience: 5 pm to 5:45 pm or 7:45 pm to 8:30 pm. Sliding scale: $15 – $25. Registration required. Put on a virtual reality headset and explore Cordell Bank without getting wet! Experience a 360-degree view while being virtually immersed in this beautiful underwater environment. Get tickets.
Rhythm Future Quartet
Friday, Jan. 24, 7 pm to 9:30 pm, at Occidental Center For the Arts, 3850 Doris Murphy Court, Occidental. $27.
The acoustic jazz ensemble Rhythm Future Quartet has a straightforward agenda: to keep the spirit of Gypsy jazz alive and expanding in today’s musical universe. The virtuosic foursome, named for a Django Reinhardt tune, offers up a newly minted sound, influenced by the classic Hot Club of France, yet wholly contemporary. Founded by violinist Jason Anick, the quartet performs dynamic and lyrical arrangements of both Gypsy jazz standards and original compositions that draw upon diverse international rhythms and musical idioms. Get tickets.
Santa Rosa Symphony Youth Orchestra
Friday, Jan. 24, 7:30 pm, at Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 S. High St., Sebastopol. $25.
Come to this benefit recital featuring young musicians from the Santa Rosa Symphony Youth Orchestra performing solo works by Mozart, Kabalevsky, Vivaldi, Lee Actor, Rachmaninoff, and more. Accompanied by renowned Bay Area pianist, Miles Graber. $25 general admission; $15 students; $5 children under 10 years old. Get tickets.
Night of the Living Dead: A Parody
Friday, Jan. 24, at 7:30 pm; Saturday, Jan. 25 at 2 pm and 7:30 pm; and Sunday, Jan. 26 at 2 pm, at Music To My Ears Theater, 104 N Main St., Sebastopol. $20.
Based on George A. Romero's 1968 cult classic, a desperate group of individuals takes refuge in an abandoned house when corpses begin to leave the graveyard in search of fresh human bodies to devour. The Phantom Players bring you this new parody of Night of the Living Dead. It’s to die for! Get tickets.
New Year's Goal Setting Intention Setting Workshop
Saturday, Jan. 25, 10 am to 12 pm, at Create It, 6906 Sebastopol Ave., Sebastopol. $45.
Join Katharine Cameron to break down the barrier between passive manifestation and actionable results through planning, partnership and perseverance. She considers herself a “goal-getter” and is excited to bring her spirit and power to Sebastopol. Think: room of driven goal-getters, vision boards, mastermind, glue sticks, take-home journal, gold star stickers, good vibes, laughter. Oh, and everyone will get a coffee mug to paint their ‘word of the year’ on too! All ages are welcome! $45 includes all materials, coffee mug, tools, and instruction. Get tickets.
Sister City Friendship Dinner—Where Sushi Meets Borshcht
Saturday, Jan. 25, 5:30 pm to 8 pm, at Enmanji Buddhist Temple Memorial Hall, 1200 Gravenstein Hwy. S. Sebastopol. The cost is $30 for adults and $20 for kids.
Join in on this annual tradition where friends and supporters gather and celebrate community, Sebastopol’s sister cities and their cultures, and Sebastopol World Friends’ work for world peace. Enjoy food and cultural entertainment from Japan and Ukraine, where Sebastopol has its two sister cities: Takeo and Chyhyryn. Pre-registration is suggested. Register.
The Wildwoods with Terrier at Sebastopol Community Cultural Center
Saturday, Jan. 25, 7:30 pm to 11 pm, at Sebastopol Community Cultural Center, 390 Morris St., Sebastopol. $30.
In the heart of Lincoln, Nebraska, The Wildwoods, a folk/Americana trio led by Noah and Chloe Gose, alongside bassist Andrew Vaggalis, deliver a musical journey through the soul of American roots. With accolades ranging from international songwriting competitions to standing ovations at festivals like Summerfest and FreshGrass, their latest release, “Foxfield Saint John” (2023), solidifies them as a force in the folk scene. Terrier is the opening act. Get tickets.
Intro to Letterpress
Sunday, Jan. 26, 10 am to 2 pm at North Bay Letterpress Arts (NBLA), 925 Gravenstein Highway S., Sebastopol. $135.
Learn the fundamental tools and techniques of letterpress printing in this hands-on workshop. A prerequisite for membership or printing at the NBLA shop, students learn the essentials of typesetting, press work, lockup-up, and makeready and experience the magic of bringing words to life. Every student gets a chance to operate the press and pull a handful of prints to bring home. This four-hour workshop is limited to six students. Reserve your spot.
See What’s Happening Sonoma County for more music listings.
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