Chief Piccinini is a class act. He has been a devoted,selfless leader for years, and our town of Sebastopol owes him a huge dose of gratitude.

So too, should we be tipping our hats and sending much appreciation to all the volunteers who make us proud when we boast about our volunteer fire department.

Finally, great coverage of a difficult, complex and contentious issue. Nice job Laura.

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I’m not sure who burned any bridges. Jack is one of the most respected fire chiefs in Sonoma County. I have worked besides Jack for 34 years and I never have had him make a bad decision or jeopardize firefighters. The lack of this city council to take its time and make solid decisions for the the taxpayers of Sebastopol concerning the fire department is appalling. Bringing on 16-24 staff may solve some issues but the lack of city funding has always been an issues. As for transparency the city council has always found ways not to fund the fire department and found it more important until we as firefighters brought to light some of the issues we are facing on a day to day scale. We as a fire department have saved this city an enormous amount of money over the years and to discard a model that works with a few adjustments and funding is fundamental wrong.

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Solid treatment of a complex and thorny issue

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