Thank you for this news report. Observing the numerous attempts by Barlow owners to be done with the Araucaria tree, first the handicap ramp silliness, and now excavation and patio installation that will impact water to the two trees, I’m frustrated that the Design Review Board and Public Works Department seem in dispute. The DRB said they couldn’t remove the tree, but Public Works agreed to long term death by dehydration.

All this for the Barlow owners to install one more food place that a person with culinary integrity wouldn’t support.

Sebastopol leaders seem focused on immediate profits for people that don’t live here. A flash in the pan mediocre restaurant vs a century old tree. And bad signs are the least of the insults in my perspective

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Culinary integrity??? Wow Guess you put us folks with crappy taste in our place! Lol I’m curious as to what other food places in the Barlow you are referring to. Frankly I’m excited to finally have something mediocre (your words not mine), less pretentious & more affordable in town for a change. It’s not a wonder why most folks can’t afford to live eat or drink in Sebastopol so yes, they must travel in with the rest of the outlanders.

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My comment was about preserving an iconic tree, when the destruction motivation is another restaurant that repeats the lowest commonly denominator. I’m happy you are anticipating, since no food has yet been created.

I live on social security and seldom eat at restaurants, I taught myself to cook a wide array of tastes, from items I buy at grocery stores.

For a reasonable Sebastopol restaurant, I recommend Fandee’s. Not upscale and “exciting “ perhaps, but well prepared, with admirable service. IMHO

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The city is in a financial crisis due to declining sales tax revenues. Restaurants are the number 1 source of retail sales and sales tax. Everyone laments that fact that so many people drive right through Sebastopol without stopping to experience our shops and restaurants. We wonder what the problem is until we read that the DRB feels that large signs are bad. Also, that signs that convey the product offerings are against Sebastopol's sign rules. Maybe people don't stop because a small group of unelected people are creating sign rules that hurt the city, and the City Council is oblivious. Hopefully the business appeals to the city council so a public discussion can take place and maybe create new opportunities to grow businesses in Sebastopol and grow sales tax revenue.

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They are talking about more development, more housing, less parking, more traffic, issues that may be unpopular. Allowing signs for businesses that are effective advertising tools that stop people driving through town to spend some money seems like an easier sell. Actually seems obvious. When I was thinking of buying a house here 12 years ago I stoped in a local restaurant in Gravenstein station. The owner told me he would be closing as it was difficult to get people to know he was there. He said the city won’t let him put up signs. When he tried they fined him. He watched all those cars go by in front of the station and no one knew he was there. Doesn’t seem like a business friendly town…and friendly for a long time. Now we are paying the price. Even if policies change the reputation will make it difficult to recover. You know that the Healdsburg hotel company could have built a hotel in Sebastopol. They had money and financing at the time. They faced all kinds of resistance from DRB and planning. They went to a friendlier town, San Luis Obisbo instead. If we want to solve our financial crisis we need to look at our policies. Maybe stop conflating issues with signs and controversy over trees. Two problems, different solutions. Your articles are helping. Interesting to see how effective the press can be…

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Consider the source….Barney Aldridge, the Barlow….it seems like doing first and asking for permission later is his modus operendi. Cocky guy.

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To be candid I don’t love seeing Cock every time I drive into town. I remember Seismic fondly and when I drove past it always made me think I should get a beer with friends soon. I feel like you don’t need to do so much advertising in that space. Just the big windows and seeing people invites you to come in or get the feel of Sebastopol. But now that I know that the branding is from a midwestern burger chain that has been out of business for over 20 years and the Barlow investing in that, it all makes sense why they leaned so hard on this branding because they put money into it. This seems like a vanity project. I’d rather support D’s or Hopmonk or Fandee’s if I’m craving a burger or fried chicken.

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This restaurant is a horrible idea from the start. Selling crap food to tourists at the expense of the beautiful and iconic tree right at the gateway to Sebastopol shows you the values of Aldridge. Don't get me wrong. I actually love the Barlow, but this is just trashy.

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