The city still has a reserve cushion. They could use it to give time to create healthier, long-term solutions. Rather than take the easy (painful to customers) way out, I think the council should get to work on long term solutions that don’t put the burden on our customers. They should do the steps that they are aware of to increase the vibrancy of our downtown, which would have the effect of increasing sales tax revenue without increasing the sales tax. Also, the commercial vacancy tax makes sense to me. And though it may not happen immediately getting a couple of hotels in town would increase the TOT revenue. There are already two parcels in town approved for hotels. Raising the sales tax, in my estimation, should be a last resort not a first. It likely won’t be rescinded and has long-term implications to people shopping in our town.
The city still has a reserve cushion. They could use it to give time to create healthier, long-term solutions. Rather than take the easy (painful to customers) way out, I think the council should get to work on long term solutions that don’t put the burden on our customers. They should do the steps that they are aware of to increase the vibrancy of our downtown, which would have the effect of increasing sales tax revenue without increasing the sales tax. Also, the commercial vacancy tax makes sense to me. And though it may not happen immediately getting a couple of hotels in town would increase the TOT revenue. There are already two parcels in town approved for hotels. Raising the sales tax, in my estimation, should be a last resort not a first. It likely won’t be rescinded and has long-term implications to people shopping in our town.