Looks like their old email address is no longer working. Instead use rnichols@sonic.net.

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Articles like this are Important, thank you

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Thank you for your in depth article about Sebastopol Tomorrow. Sean Webb and family appreciate the recognition very much. It would be fun to print their logo: A full apple, followed by increasingly bit into apples until only the core remains. Janet Webb

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Though it wasn't a formal Sebastopol Tomorrow initiative, Measure H in the early 1990's was responsible for helping shape the Sebastopol of today. Juliana Doms and I crafted an insanely ambitious ballot measure to preserve the Laguna, create enforceable urban boundaries and limit development during the General Plan update. Though it failed at the ballot box, it created the momentum for a General Plan with some teeth about development. Might be worth looking at for a future article!

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Great article.

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The reported email address is not functioning.

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Use this one: rnichols@sonic.net

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Thank you so much for this article, Laura!! Well done! And well done, Steering Committee after all these years!

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