The tree was there and obvious to any ethical designer or owner of a new property.
It appears that the Barlow principals purposely built a structure to maximize their investment with the forethought of fighting to remove this tree. Else how to explain building so near the fall line of this iconic tree. A few years ago the Barlow fought for removal with suggestion of needing more space for handicapped sidewalk ramp. The ramp was installed and tree preserved.
I support preservation of this historic tree. The town of Petaluma has historic records on similar trees. Santa Rosa has pruned their trees for better health than this tree and has no-walk zones.
The bunya bunya has survived many a battle with the DRB before now, and will live to fight another day. But I wouldn’t stand around under it for a long time. I do take issue with the idea that flooding in the Barlow is more dangerous…given that we know days ahead of time when the floods are coming. Plenty of time to prepare…
The tree was there and obvious to any ethical designer or owner of a new property.
It appears that the Barlow principals purposely built a structure to maximize their investment with the forethought of fighting to remove this tree. Else how to explain building so near the fall line of this iconic tree. A few years ago the Barlow fought for removal with suggestion of needing more space for handicapped sidewalk ramp. The ramp was installed and tree preserved.
I support preservation of this historic tree. The town of Petaluma has historic records on similar trees. Santa Rosa has pruned their trees for better health than this tree and has no-walk zones.
The bunya bunya has survived many a battle with the DRB before now, and will live to fight another day. But I wouldn’t stand around under it for a long time. I do take issue with the idea that flooding in the Barlow is more dangerous…given that we know days ahead of time when the floods are coming. Plenty of time to prepare…