It’s sad that two past executive directors misappropriated funds and put this agency at risk. Maybe you could make sure to hire more honest employees so that these unethical illegal practices don’t ever happen again.
Early intervention in working with young people can effect great change. This seems the task well-addressed in support for SAY, as it works out its other problems. The last “Homeless Count” county-wide showed a significant increase in the 18-24 age group at which persons first became homeless, from 20% in 2022 to 33% in 2023, although unaccompanied youth declined from 531 to 204. Targeting the specific needs of this remaining discrete smaller group of young people could prevent their slide into long-term homelessness, which otherwise seems overwhelming and unmanageable, as 78% of unhoused generally have been unhoused for five years or more. -- Arthur George, Chair: West County Homeless Advocates
It’s sad that two past executive directors misappropriated funds and put this agency at risk. Maybe you could make sure to hire more honest employees so that these unethical illegal practices don’t ever happen again.
Early intervention in working with young people can effect great change. This seems the task well-addressed in support for SAY, as it works out its other problems. The last “Homeless Count” county-wide showed a significant increase in the 18-24 age group at which persons first became homeless, from 20% in 2022 to 33% in 2023, although unaccompanied youth declined from 531 to 204. Targeting the specific needs of this remaining discrete smaller group of young people could prevent their slide into long-term homelessness, which otherwise seems overwhelming and unmanageable, as 78% of unhoused generally have been unhoused for five years or more. -- Arthur George, Chair: West County Homeless Advocates