Thank you for this thoughtful, important report

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Thank you for this great article!

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Why does Hopkins say this will stop us from buying eggs direct from a farm?

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She either meant that it would raise the cost of local eggs due to a decreased local supply as a result of Measure J, or that Measure J would motivate egg producers to move out of the county

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Most eggs and chickens are shipped out of county. These CAFOs are not on a mission to supply us with food.

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There is it in black and white. Outsiders were behind this and have extreme positions. Excuse me, my pulled pork sandwich is ready.

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I'm not an outsider and since when is caring about animals, the environment and a sustainable food system extreme?!?

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"Farmers in Sonoma County wouldn’t be spending 365 days a year with their animals, if they, at the core, didn’t love their animals."

They love them and send them to slaughter injured with their wings broken and feathers flying, after being roughly shoved or thrown into wire crates and stacked onto a huge truck. That's love alright. And that's only the beginning of their nightmare.

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Jul 28Edited

Thank you for providing information on both sides of this issue. I have lived in Sebastopol for nearly 25 years and have been a Slow Food activist for at least a dozen years. Those of us who live in Sonoma County and those who visit here are very fortunate to have the bounty of the county's farms for us to enjoy. This includes the delicious organic duck raised by fifth generation Sonoma County poultry producers like Liberty Ducks. I agree with all five of the county supervisors that this measure is not right for Sonoma County and will be voting "No" on measure J.

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Thank you for providing clarification, regarding Measure J Ezra. It seems that many local residents' concerns center around the issue of animal cruelty. I do believe the wording in the measure was poorly written to that end. I'm not affiliated with Measure J but rather have concerns, as I believe many others in the community do, for both animal welfare and the environment.

Do you happen to know who is tasked with enforcing Prop 12? Upon my return to town, I have reached out to two individuals whose contact information I had obtained before leaving. I am curious if the research you conducted for your article shed any light on this issue, and if so, would you kindly share that information with me/the community?

It appears that the signatures in support of this cause are indicative of a deep concern for both animal welfare and the environment. Numerous individuals have referenced Prop 12 in their discussions. It would be greatly appreciated if we could ascertain who is responsible for overseeing the operations of the largest farms, including any factory farms within our county. The troubling images depicted in Measure J are quite distressing, reinforcing the importance of effective oversight in such facilities.

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I'm going to look into it. I know prop12 is overseen by the state, California Department of Public Health. I was told that a majority of SoCo residents were in favor of prop 12 and I know the "yes on J" side is hoping those same people turn up for this issue.

I can tell you none of the large CAFOs in Sonoma County are pig farms, which was the group most heavily impacted by prop12. Prop12 also had nothing to do with the size of the farm, and so it didn't have as big an economic impact as this would. This would have a way way way way bigger economic impact. But I know you are most concerned about animal welfare.

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