Smaller districts mean local control. Unification means giving up local control in return for cost efficiencies. The unified district will have to show how they will use the combined cost savings to offer an higher level of resources for the students in the community in order to convince the small district voters to give up their small district control.

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I remember researching the school districts in Sonoma County in aid of some League of Women Voters project. Holy cow! What a mess. Some only had one or two schools. I had been raised in Lancaster California and we had the Lancaster School District (yes, it got funny in the 60's) but included all the K-8 schools in Lancaster and the Joint Unified High School District which had at least four or five schools in it including two Continuation schools. I believe the districts should be consolidated because each district has a bunch of administrators etc. where the money spent on their salaries could go to instruction. What a mess West County is. Just to use the District I live in, we have three schools, a pre-school, a primary school and an elementary school. I literally drive by all of them when I go home from the library. Why not add the other close by districts (many in walking distance of where I live) all into one district? Why not a West County School District for the K-8?

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